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Bird Watchers Spot Many Majestic Eagles

Provided by SeaBreeze Nightly Rentals
Southeast Alaska Bald Eagle Soaring
Posted By: SeaBreeze
Posted On: March 7, 2018

The majestic bald-eagle can be frequently seen around the island. While you’re out fishing, they can often be seen perched high in the trees scanning the water for salmon. Watch them circle their potential dinner, plan their attack and then swoop down… if you’re lucky you’ll witness this amazing fisher catch its dinner and take it back to shore. Or fight it out with another eagle.

Other birds you’re likely to see out fishing are golden eagles, goshawk, and osprey. These beautiful raptors are a sign that the fish are plentiful, so when you see them get your pole in the water… just keep your fingers crossed that they don’t try to snag your catch of the day!
Listen carefully and you may just hear the birds calling out across the water to their bird friends letting them know when food is found in the area. Watch the number of birds grow before your eyes as you get to watch the discovery channel live… nature is a beautiful thing to behold!

Alaska is home to 471 species of birds, 350 of which can be found in Southeast Alaska, which makes it a birder’s paradise. The Fall Southeast Alaska Bird Observation Report (August-November 2017) noted sightings of the following birds in Craig and on the greater POW Island: Great Egret, Gyrfalcon, White-Crowned Sparrow, Great White-Fronted Snow Goose, Eurasian Collared Dove, and Pine Siskin.
The west side of the island is designated by the Audubon as an Important Bird Area (IBA) for a variety of Auklets and Petrels. The Outer Island Marine IBA is home to 154,189 Rhinoceros Auklet, and Forrester Island IBA is home to many birds including Cassin's auklet (44,400), Rhinoceros Auklet (108,030), Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel (111,212), and Leach's storm-petrel (575,688). The Alaska Audubon is also in the process of developing a Southeast Alaska Birding Trail. More information and updates can be found on their site (Southeast Alaska Birding Trail).

Additional information about what birds you can see in the area can be found on the Alaska Department of Fish and Game website.

SeaBreeze Nightly Rentals is owned and operated by Mindy Trozelle, a 25-year resident of Craig, AK. She purchased the property in 2010 and converted it into two beautiful Craig Alaska rental apartments. Zoned as residential and commercial, the property has transitioned from family dwelling to multi-unit apartment, to pet store and many things in-between. She chose this property for its centralized location and designed her apartments with all the amenities to be the perfect place to rent for large groups, families, and government employees visiting the island. If you're interested in renting in Craig Alaska. Click here to check out our 2-bedroom rental.
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